This interactive dashboard enables users to discover new movies on Netflix's expansive 4,000+ titles catalogue. Filter by genre, rating, release year, cast, director, country, and runtime to identify the perfect movie for any occasion.
Feature improvements based on user feedback:
"How To" overlay and borders were added after user failed to readily distinguish between filters and movie card
Movies count was added after user stated that they wished they could see this information while deciding whether to apply more filters
An "Apply" button was added to dropdown filters to improve user experience by avoiding continuous filtering as users make their selections. Since the dashboard is hosted on Tableau's public server, load times are a significant obstacle in the dashboard's design.
The dashboard consists of two parts.
PART I: The movie list and eight filters enable the user to narrow down the 4,000+ titles. Selecting a title will display the movie card below (part II).
Filters include: title, genre, rating, release year, cast, director, country filmed, and runtime.
A dynamic movies count is featured on the dashboard to give user this useful information at a glance.
A "Clear Filters" button is included to easily restart a search.

Part II: The movie card contains details such as title, release year, rating, run time, description, genres, directors, and cast. The card's design mimics the typical movie card found on Netflix to provide the user with a familiar experience and making it extremely easy to scan.

How To
Lastly, the dashboard features a "How To" button in the top right corner. Selecting it will toggle a transparent overlay providing the user with visual pointers for easily using the dashboard.

Data Source: (data as of December 31, 2019)