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COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by % population, by GDP

Writer's picture: Pastor Emanuel VillagomezPastor Emanuel Villagomez

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

This interactive and fully synchronized dashboard enables users to explore COVID-19 cases and deaths (by total count, total % of population, and daily count) by country and US state over time. Filters include an interactive map, data tables, date slider, and top N by GDP box.

Feature improvements based on user feedback:

  • User reported that it was annoying to toggle the filters and legend from view on the map. Another user said that they were confused that the legend displayed both cases and deaths when the map only displayed cases. After reconsidering the design, I formulated and implemented the following solution: increase the dashboard width by 200px, move the filters and legend off the map to make them always visible, and include the legend in the "View by Cases" / "View by Deaths" toggle to display only relevant information.


The Dashboard


The Data


  • COVID-19 cases and deaths by country and US states to target US-based users

  • Population data to enable users to meaningfully compare percentages between countries and US states.

  • GDP data to enable users to meaningfully filter and compare countries and US states with a similar opportunity for preparedness (i.e. similar economic development and resources).




The dashboard is fully synchronized giving users the power to view the desired data at a glance and filter exactly to the subset of countries (or US states) they want to see. Selecting any data point will update both the map and data table.

Filtering Options

  • Date slider

  • Top N countries by GDP box

  • Map: selecting country or range of countries

  • Table: selecting country or range of countries

  • Table: sort table column, then select range of data points to display those countries


  • Map and legend

  • Data table

  • Hovercard

  • How To

  • Navigation between maps



  1. Global cases

  2. Global deaths

  3. US cases

  4. US deaths


  • Size = total cases

  • Color = total cases by % population


Data Table: Country and US states

  • GDP

  • Population

  • Total cases/deaths (% population)

  • Total cases/deaths

  • New cases/deaths



A hovercard was included to give users at a glance a detailed view of total cases/deaths and new cases/deaths along with the report date, country/state name, population, and total cases/deaths in aggregate and by % of population.


How To

Lastly, the dashboard features a "How To" button in the top right corner. Selecting it will toggle a transparent overlay providing the user with visual pointers for easily using the dashboard.



Navigation buttons are featured on the top left corner to enable the user to easily select the map and cases/deaths view they want to see.



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